DRAVA LIFE info-points set up in Varaždin County
Within the project DRAVA LIFE, six info-points in five local government units have been set up in the following locations: municipality Cestica (Veliki Lovrečan), municipality Sračinec (Svibovec Podravski), Varaždin city (location along the Drava park-forest), municipality Trnovec Bartolovečki (Zamlaka settlement) and municipality Sveti Đurđ (Hrženica and Struga).
Placed near the existing/planned cycling trail „Mura-Drava Bike“, info-points are designed as resting points (covered seating area) with informational and educational content intended for local inhabitants, visitors and cyclists. The roof of the info-points refers to the local micro-architecture along the Drava river and at the same time defines the place of rest and presentation of the informative and educational content. Also, the height of the roof cornice enables a framed view from the bench to the surrounding area.
Text, photographs and maps on the info-points present natural assets and protection of the area along the river Drava, the importance of conservation of the river habitats, as well as plant and animal species that are important for that area. Furthermore, visitors are provided with instructions on how they can influence river conservation, along with basic information about the DRAVA LIFE project.
Every info-point is thematic and contains an additional set of information depending on the specific habitats/species that can be found in the immediate vicinity (for example, the first info-point next to the fishing lodge additionally presents the fish fauna, the second one presents gravel bars located in the immediate vicinity). We believe that info-points will become a favourite gathering place of the local population and visitors of the Regional park, contribute to raising awareness of the importance of the area and ultimately result in better conservation of habitats and species.