
DRAVA LIFE team members participated in the “Fit for MDD River Restoration” training

Members of the DRAVA LIFE team joined the ‘Fit for MDD River Restoration’ training organized by REVITAL Integrative Naturraumplanung GmbH in Austria.
The training course aims to be a platform for learning, exchange, and know-how transfer from international and national experience of state-of-the-art integrated river restoration amongst partners and planners.
The first of three certified international river restoration trainings was completed last week. The theoretical part of the lectures was held at the renowned Austrian company Revital, while the practical part and field visit took place near the city of Lienz in South Tyrol, where the Drava River meets the turbulent and dam-free Isel River.
The project “LIFE RESTORE for MDD – Preservin and restoring floodplain forest habitats along the Mura-Drava-Danube rivers” focuses on the conservation and restoration of the largest contiguous floodplain forest habitat system in the TBR MDD for improving its conservation status.
The rivers in the project area (Mura, Drava and Danube) are facing riverbed incision and water level decrease due to bedload deficit and past river regulation.
The goal of river restoration in the MDD area is to implement measures, which will restore and promote natural hydromorphodynamic processes in the river channel and floodplain area and to use synergies between water management and nature conservation as already demonstrated in various projects in the region such as Drava LIFE or WISEDRAVALIFE.