LIFE INFO dan u Zagrebu

LIFE INFO Day in Croatia

In order to inform potential applicants and stakeholders, the National contact point at the Ministry of Environment and Energy organized on March 21st 2017 LIFE INFO Day in Zagreb. For 25 years LIFE program has been providing support to various sectors through co-financing of more than 4,300 projects with over 3 billion euros. The objective of LIFE projects is to ensure the development and implementation of innovative responses to the challenges associated with the environment and climate change.

LIFE INFO Day presented information on the types of projects co-financed through LIFE program, thematic priorities, rate of co-financing, how and who submits the project proposal. Also, activities and results of seven LIFE projects currently under implementation in Croatia were presented, among which also the DRAVA LIFE project.

“LIFE INFO Day was a great opportunity to present our project and activities to participants, but also the concept of river restoration in general. Also, this was an opportunity to connect with other stakeholders and the development of future project ideas,” said Branka Španiček from WWF Adria, who presented the DRAVA LIFE project.

LIFE INFO day broadcast live, a recording can be viewed on YouTube: