Natura 2000 Day
We mark Natura 2000 Day on the 21st of May since 1992 when both the EU Habitats Directive and LIFE programme were approved. Today Natura 2000 consists of more than 27 800 sites on land and sea across EU successfully contributing to the preservation of our unique natural heritage.
This year, we are putting the spotlight on the proximity of Natura 2000 sites to people and on the benefits that nature brings to people and the planet, including those related to health. The Natura 2000 network with its vast coverage brings nature literally to our doorstep. Nature is not a luxury but our vital ally and we need to value, protect and restore it.
We are proud that our whole project area is proclaimed as Natura 2000 and we invite you to go to the Drava River and celebrate this day by cherishing our unique nature.